Monday, April 25, 2011

Sieg Tea!

My good friend and political tag-team partner, Matt, posted an outstanding video from youtube the other day. In the video a member of the Tea Party gives his testimony of how tired the Tea Party is of being called racist. During his rant, the man sites several "facts" that drive the Tea Party's beliefs. I think we should dissect his commentary - don't you? (to follow along, the link is:

For starters, to call the Congressional Black Congress a bunch of criminals and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson "negra race pimps," doesn't seem like "Hello, I'd like to take issue with being called a racist." Shortly thereafter we are treated to "...blacks, negras..." - excuse me, but are you trying to separate blacks into separate groups now?

I think the Teahad concept amuses me the most. To use a bastardization of a term associated with radical Muslims (considering the speaker's view on Muslims) is too funny. To quote him, "Muslims have a rich history of infiltrating, procreating and then eliminating." Call me kooky, but that sounds exactly like Christians over the centuries. And we are informed that the Tea Party isn't after the Muslims who pose a genuine threat to our security but "...starting deportation of ALL Muslims as soon as possible."

On black Americans, our speaker says that blacks "...make up 13% of the population, but somehow...make up 45% of city, state and federal jobs." What he doesn't tell you is that there are far many more 'service jobs' than there are high office jobs. In other words, for every city, state or federal official, there are a lot more cooks, drivers, janitors and the like. And whether it sounds like a stereotype or not, these are the jobs most often filled by black Americans. He follows these statistics with the statement "and we wonder why the government doesn't work." That one line in and of itself shows the deep-seeded racism he bears, but we shall let him dig his hole deeper.

On Hispanics, our speaker is on to the illegals. Yes, I would like to see immigrants use legal means to get inside the country, but the whole argument about them taking our jobs is moot considering I've never heard one person tell me how much they were looking forward to their career picking fruit or mowing lawns. And as for "grabbing their crotches and flipping us the bird," that sounds like a lot of motorists and most sports fans in America.

And then....."...we want god in our lives as Americans..." - all I can say is see my earlier blog post on that one.

Our speaker goes on to blast homosexuals and tells us how he does not want ANY of the blacks who voted for Obama to be able to vote again - because "they have not been educated." Well, trust me bubba, as much as I hate stupidity, an education has never been listed as a qualifier for voting. Oh, the tail end comment of "they vote Democratic" might have something to do with his feelings too.

I'm not going to quote this moron any more. All I can say is that if you watch this video and somehow agree with the message being espoused, I no longer need to know you. This man, along with the Tea Party, are so inherently racist, every time they gather it seems like a KKK rally.

And to add the shock to go with this awe, remember, the last large political group that wanted to rid its country of an entire religious people and ban others from voting was the Nazis. They also wanted to reclaim god for their country and create their perfect society....

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, that's odd, I thought I already posted a comment for this post...

    Anyway, since I can't remember exactly what I said, I like and agree with what you say here, not what the retard says in the video.

    "...All I can say is that if you watch this video and somehow agree with the message being espoused, I no longer need to know you. ..."
    Couldn't agree more!
