Thursday, April 28, 2011

Playing God to Avoid Playing God

One concept that I have always tried to adhere to is to understand where those i speak out against get their information and opinions. When it comes to speaking out against religious groups, it is of utmost importance to understand their particular denomination and the bible in general. Otherwise, you leave yourself open to having your point completely obliterated. One thing I know for certain is that each and every christian has been taught to love thy neighbor and not cast judgement. Many have ignored these lessons, but it is ingrained into them. As well, christians believe with all their hearts that god is responsible for everything that happens in this world, without exception.

So it strikes me as odd that a group of people who believe god does everything somehow come to the understanding that something like abortion requires their immediate attention. Couldn't one reasonably argue that if god is responsible for all, he/she is responsible for abortion? Some christians may respond this is god giving humans a choice like in the garden of eden with the tree. Fair point, however, god never intervened in Adam and Eve's choices about the tree and, if you believe in the story, gave his son's life to forgive them of their 'sin'.

For conservatives to step in and try to regulate abortion in the name of god and his/her intentions tells me that (a) someone thinks god made a mistake and (b) we need to protect mankind from itself. Neither point is valid and your own religion is against these exact things. According to the bible, god is infallable and omniscient, so to think you need to step in to fix things seems a complete affront to what you actually preach to others. And the bible never said to go forth and protect people from themselves. It merely says to get the message out and that people will do with it as they may.

For a group that has been taught to love thy neighbor and turn the other cheek, christians certainly are a hateful group. They hate homosexuals, they hate abortion, they hate non-believers, they blame natural disasters on Ellen DeGeneres hosting the Oscars (yes, they actually said it). If god has taken the time to smack the U.S. for a gay woman hosting a TV show, isn't it safe to assume something so large an affront as abortion would reap a bigger response?

What love is being expressed when you tell a woman who has been impregnated by a rape that she must have the child and face a daily reminder of the hell she was put through? How much compassion is shown when a young mother is told she will die when she gives birth or that her child will never develop past 6 months yet she is forced into carrying the pregnancy to term? Who gave you the right to play god and decide who can and cannot have an abortion?

Interestingly enough, these people who are sreaming about where life begins are also the driving forces behind capital punishment. Not only are they deciding who must be born but also who must die. If this isn't wanting to play god, I don't know what is.

Now, to give full transparency, I do support the death penalty in irrefutable cases and I am against abortion as a means of birth control - rape, incest and endangering the mother's health are not within the mother's control - however using a form of birth control or celibacy is. So, to the conservatives out there I say I am fine with not using federal or state funds to finance abortions - but that is the ONLY regulation that lawmakers should be able to set. Beyond that, you're dipping into your god's realm of expertise.

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