Saturday, April 30, 2011

We Cannot Be THAT Dumb

One would have thought that Obama dropping the birth certificate bomb would have quelled some of the blatant racism whose vitriolic bile has been spewn over the country since the election. Nope. No sooner had the dust settled from the birth certificate before we were entreated to the newest criticism from the Tea Party and conservatives: Obama faked his way into college and his grades and classes are a sham.

How the fuck did we go from "I regret that I have but one life to live for my country" to "Oh yeah, well you're stupid"? I mean, this is exactly what it is - playground name calling. But why? Simply put, because most Americans political views are based solely on perception. How else could you explain Donald Trump being the top republican "candidate?" This is a man who calls the Chinese "motherfuckers," and the audience ate it up. Of course, I imagine his audience had to go ask Jesus' forgiveness for being fired up by the term. No, that's not name-calling - that's pointing out the hypocritical lives most conservatives lead.

This same hypocracy is being applied to Obama. Bush Jr.'s college days were fertile land for comedians for a very long time, yet, for whatever reason, it did not detract from his ability as President in the eyes of conservatives. Now, here we are with them questioning Obama's college days and tying them directly to his ability in the oval office. Roosevelt was applauded for his isolationist stance on WW2 (until the bombings) yet Obama now has The Rock behind him screaming to "go layeth the smacketh down" on Libya.

Listen, if I haven't plainly explained this, I was for Obama being elected. However, I feel he has woefully underperformed based on his campaign. No transparency in government as he promised, cow-towing to every Republican demand and failing to stand tall on his basic beliefs. If you want to come at him on those points, hey, its fair game. However, these new grumblings about school performance and admission are rediculous. Does this mean that the Republicans half-ass vetted Obama? How long did we hear about his pastor during the election? His association with Acorn? Oh, and his birth certificate. If they went back far enough to question his country of origin, how the fuck did they miss his college days? Perhaps they were at a frat party when it was time to review those records.

Neither side of the isle is innocent when it comes to this playground one-upmanship. But, until Americans stop letting it influence them, it will continue. Isn't about time we told Timmy we don't give a shit if he beat up Johnny, we want to know how he's going to ensure our savings isn't going to disappear when the bank folds.

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