Saturday, April 30, 2011

Maybe We Can Ride Bikes

Last week it was announced that because BP claimed the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as a $41 billion loss, the company paid ZERO in income taxes. I'll say that again: BP, who destroyed the livelihood of thousands, caused untold environmental damage and made billions in PROFIT was able to claim the disaster as a loss, off-setting its profits, therefore enabling them to claim an overall loss and not pay ANY taxes. Meanwhile, the single-mother of three who has two jobs and has nothing to itemize other than bobby pins had to pay her fair share.

This was a LEGAL move by BP. But we all know legal doesn't always mean correct. This is the same thing as someone breaking into your home, stealing your valuables and then getting injured on exit - and then they sue you and win. Don't laugh - this case happens all too often.

BP and its brother oil companies are taking in HUGE profits each quarter. Exxon made $11 billion last quarter. THAT'S PROFIT. Yet, gas prices are so high that EVERY segment of our daily life is affected.

I'm sorry...I can't do this in a nice way anymore....

Has this country gone clueless? Are we so fucking dumb that we just sit back and let these people ass-rape us and then we kiss them on the cheek? I so cannot understand the conservative view of letting this "capitalism" run our affairs. You see these corporate entites stealing the country away yet you go and provide them with easier means in which to do so. You see the families decimated by health problems from fracking and other wonderful corporate machinations and you simply turn your head. You tread on the heads of every minority in our country and act appaled when they finally fire back at you.

Is the need for acceptance, majority and power so great that you would hand over this country to a select few? Does Bubba in Alabama really think that if the Tea Party gets its way his life is going to somehow improve? When will you people wake up and see that politicians don't give a shit about the end result of their policies? So, Bubba, next time you cast your vote, you should get a thank-you card that reads "Thanks for the vote. Now fuck off."

We have GOT to take control of our country back. We MUST makes this a government BY and FOR the PEOPLE again. In order to do that we have to get past all the bullshit and look at the actual FACTS. There is always room for debate - no one has all the answers. All I know is if we let the conservatives take control as their belief structure stands, we will soon need "papers" to cross state lines.

I digress...back to BP, et al. People you need to put pressure on your lawmakers to get the breaks these big corporations receive removed from the table. Conservatives would say that this would cause them to take their business away. Yeah, but if I'm gonna get fucked at the pump, I'd rather it be because they can't be here destroying my country anymore!

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