I now realize that my friend Matt was correct. Politics is topic which you hardly ever win, yet all too often lose. A study released even shows that even when given facts about a particular subject, more often than not, a person will remain fixed to their position. So in what way did I think this trivial blog would have some sort of profound impact?
Today, because I questioned how quickly Bin Laden's body was disposed of and because I stated I needed more details before I accepted this report as fact, I was accused of questioning Obama's ability as President and creating a conspiracy. Even though I never said this had been faked, I was now someone who was anti-American.
Let me be perfectly clear: my opinion on Obama has not changed one bit because of this development. He was simply in the right place at the right time. Flip the votes and it is McCain making the call to go ahead with the operation. So this event does NOT make the man.
Am I happy Bin Laden is dead? I am neither happy nor unhappy. My friend Matt talked of how this brings closure for Americans because Bin Laden was a symbol, and symbols are powerful. How very, very true Matt. Hitler was a symbol - and the nation was jubilant upon news of his death. And that symbol was subsequently transferred to the hate groups that inhabit our very country now. Waco and Ruby Ridge were powerful symbols, and their destruction led to horrors in Oklahoma City. I am neither happy nor unhappy because each time a symbol is destroyed, hatred, distruction and death follow in its wake. Bin Laden is dead and we must now prepare for the inevitable backlash.
I started this blog because I felt I needed an outlet and thought, just perhaps, I could get what I considered a needed message broadcast. I see now that I have quite simply caused myself even more undue frustration and have had some sense of superiority when writing these. I still believe each and every word I have typed here and would not change a single one. But, in all honesty, what do I know? I am simply a human being as are each of you.
So I bid each of you adieu. Let us all hope that the future brings us great success that we can pass on to our children and grand-children. Thank you for letting me into your lives. And remember, freedom is not American - it is human.
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